President Douglas gives his farewell address to the 65 people
attending the Presidential changeover on the 24th June 2005
at the Torrance Hotel prior to handing over the Power of Office
to President Elect Liam Donnelly. During the evening a special
presentation was made to outgoing Secretary Edwin Robertson
in the form of a second sapphire to his Paul Harris Fellowship
for his service to the CLub. His long suffering wife Rina was
given a presentation special glassware for the support that she
has given Rotary over the years.
Picture 1 President Douglas gives his fairwell speech before remitting Office
Picture 2 Presentation to Rina Robertson
Picture 3 Presentation of sapphire to Outgoing secretary
Picture 4 Liam accepts the Chain of office from Douglas
Picture 5 The handing over of the secretary's case to new club secretary Leslie irvine
Picture 6 Outgoing Secretary Edwin Robertson tackles his final duty in adjusting the chain of office
Picture 7 Liam proceeds to his initial speech and then introduces his new team
Picture 8 Past President David Taylor is taking it all in or is he!!
Picture 9 President liam welcomes Jim Morreti as his Sen. Vice president
Picture 10 Past Presidents badge being presented to Douglas Kilpatrick
Picture 11 Presentation of Bouquet to past Presidents wife Ros Kilpatrick
Picture 12 Shows a very relaxed group after having had a
succesful changeover of Presidents Left to right Jim Anderson,
Rina Robertson, Edwin Robertson, Carol Donnelly Ros and
Douglas Kilpatrick